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Healthy Through the Holidays

Writer: Amber CarverAmber Carver

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I decided to run a 5 day series to help you stay focused on your health. I know that the middle of December, the week before Christmas, may seem like a crazy time to commit to a 5 day health series. I'm here to tell you that it's not. Taking 1 small task or idea and implementing it into your day can make a world of difference.

So many people throw in the towel this time of year and say "I'll start January 1st". Don't be that person. Get rid of the all or nothing mentality that leads to guilt, frustration, restrict and binge cycles, and ultimately leaves you shy of your goals. By committing to focusing on one small thing a day you are able to enjoy the holidays while staying true to your health goals. And on top that you'll hit January 1st not feeling like your are starting from scratch!

Did I convince you? I hope so. Join me on Instagram or on Facebook to get started TODAY!



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Nutritional Therapy Practitioners™ are trained by the Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc.® which provides a certification to students upon successful completion of course requirements. As a nutritional therapist, we are not regulated, licensed or certified by any state. Laws and regulations regarding certification and licensure requirements differ from state to state.

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